Having fabulous booth neighbors at a show is essential. BG was lucky to be surrounded by a lot of love this show!
Simply Put by Ashley Woodman

Simply put, Ashley and her gang are as incredible as her products. I have always loved her look and was thrilled to be across the aisle and become friends!
PJ Invites
Now these are some fun folks! It was great to meet PJ and her cohorts and fun that they are just up the road in Chicago! PJ has a super fun, bright look and her new custom pet stampers were big hit at the show!
Cathys' Concepts
Neighbors both at NSS and here in Indianapolis this is a great go-to company for all your big day needs!
Wedding Belle Favors
Sweet people and sweet products - Loved their Gerber Daisy Flower Boxes!
Inviting Company
A big booth with a lot of heart! They were generous in sharing cold drinks and even extra packages of super fun napkins at breakdown time! The above napkin made me laugh!
Poppies for Grace
This charming first timer traveled all the way from Australia! Kate who worked the booth was at the show by herself - it wasn't until day two that my sister Becky and I looked at each other and thought "bathroom break!" Sometimes you take something so simple for granted! Working a booth by yourself can be tricky! Love the designs and "lolly bags". Everyone needs a lolly bag!
Imagine aisle after aisle of creative and friendly people! Stay tuned for my next blog - National Stationery Show Shout Out - "Old Friends"!