Young Charlotte Geller has gotten antsy for summer and is clearly ready for the beach (or here in Indiana it's the lake!). That means one thing for the Gellers... it's time to get ready for summer!
We're modifying the use of our blog some to suggest ways in which you, our follower and fan, can live your style in addition to using Boatman Geller Collections.
Can you believe this
Extra Large Land's End Canvas Tote is
only $27? Neither could we! It's so big Jane will be able to
fit everything in it including: towels, sandals, sunscreen, games, etc.. and still have room for a Geller Girl or two. :-) Too bad she hasn't been able to use it yet. Oh well, at least
they're ready!
Make sure you
enjoy the beach this summer and
live your style, which has
always been our intention when
designing collections with our
fans in mind! Now, we want to introduce you to other companies that matched our style in hopes of it matching yours.
See you in 2 weeks,
- Marketing Guy
Hey Commenters, tell us how you plan to take your style to the beach.